dimanche 15 octobre 2017

Dharamkot, Dharamsala first pictures

 First time in Indian Bus without luggage perfect

 Green Tara, Goddess of Compassion
Om Mani Padme Om

 At Dalaï-Lama temple

 Tibetan monks running
 First shopping since we are in India cause we are at 2100 metres high, quiet cold in the evening and at night. Daytime 31 degrees, night time 11 degrees!

 Little but strong horses working for constructions

 On the way to meet Tibetan spirituality we had a stop in an indian temple, lord Shiva and Maa Kali still protecting us, we give our sincere gratitude to be accepted in this land.
 New guest house in Dharamkot, very young fashioned and playfull for Galadriel and Lune
 Also very cosy, we are in mountain chalet.
With big blanket, thanks for that!

1 commentaire:

  1. Hi everybody, what a great day you had!
    We wish everything is okay and you are spending a good time, it looks beautiful there.
    Adrien and I are reading a lot of books in class : Colonel Chabert, La mort d'olivier Becaille, Un coeur simple, l'enfant... (we want you to read them so you don't get lost and feel the same pain as us)
    Tom Palleau et Adrien Guigonis

    PS: We are a bit lost in the order of the photos because today for example there where a lot of photos of your day and you ate breackfast only near the end of your photos.
